Ready for fame?

A warm welcome to you guys! In this blog, I will talk about the pros and cons of being famous. I hope you will enjoy reading my blog.

First, I will tell you some reasons why people still want to be famous, which means I’m going to give you some examples. Secondly, I want to talk about the negative aspects and the possible dangers and finally, I will tell you some problems which celebrities really have.

So, let’ start with my first point. A lot of people still want to be famous because they only see the goods sides, for example, the money, which is one of the main reasons why still so many people want to be famous. In addition, the connections and the jet-set lifestyle are also something that makes a few people jealous because of their own boring life.

To my second point, isn’t it true that probably all of us, at least once in their life, have dreamed of being famous? It’s nothing unusual but most of the time, we only see the good sides of being famous, the negatives aspects are usually swept under the carpet. Only a few celebrities have made public what problems they had to figure out because of their constantly growing fame. Let’s name some known problems of our stars such as no privacy, drugs, stress. These are only a few problems but some serious ones. Can you imagine what pressure is on you if you must be happy 24/7 or if you have to check social media every five seconds? No? Then you don’t know what being famous really is about. For us, it sounds great to be present on social media and have thousands of followers but for a real “star” this is a tough job. It’s not as simple as most of the people think because of the anonymity on the Internet, there are many haters and I dare to say that this is something which destroys a human’s soul. Lots of people write really nasty and mean comments and they don’t even waste a second thinking about how much this can hurt people.

Last but not least, I want to talk about further problems which some celebrities have. I have already mentioned a few problems, now I would like to list some more important problems. Have you ever thought about what life is like for the children of the stars? No? Then please read the following carefully. The kids of the stars are often stuck in prejudice. For example, that these children are always arrogant and no longer appreciate the material value of some stuff. Famous kids have been watched by the media from the start, regardless of whether the parents want it or not.

Since I have dealt with the negative sides of being famous, I don’t want to be famous myself anymore because I have seen how many dark sides it entails.

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Julia Pratter