Making the best out of your life

Username: draganapancika

Date: November 08, 2020

Time: 2:28 a.m.

Making the best out of your life

Hello, my name is Dragana, and in this blog I’m going to give you an insight of positive and negative aspects of being a teenager. Also, I’m going to give you advice on how to deal with problems when being younger. Lastly, I will suggest ways to make the best out of your life.


First, let me present negative as well as positive aspects of being a teenager. School is tough when being a teenager, especially when going through puberty. Although it is hard going through this phase there are also some positive aspects. For example, hanging out with friends until dawn, or going to amusement parks. So much for this point, let me move on with my next one.


How can you deal with problems while being young? Well first of all don’t take everything so seriously and just have fun with being who you are. If you have mental health issues then talk to someone you trust or get help. Just live your life because you only have one, and you can do so much while living it. Lastly, how can you make the best out of your life?


Figure out what your hobbies are and be patient. Find slowly but surely things that you are passionate about. Also make friends, because friends are the best persons to have around, but be careful since they can be toxic. Likewise, please stick to school since it’s very important.


All in all just have fun and don’t let anybody bring you down; in addition don’t change for anyone unless it’s for you. Stay safe, and please feel free to leave a comment. 🙂



NOVEMBER 5, 2020

6:17 PM


Hey guys, you probably called it: Today, I’m uploading a new part of my blog series “Daily Routine”. Today’s ‘victim’ will be my dear friend Allison. Let’s start!

Before Ally even gets up, she already starts chatting with me. This continues while she has breakfast, too. After school, we often hang out in the park or watch a movie at my house. Later, her girlfriend usually picks her up at my house to take her home.

That’s it for today. Sorry if this blog entry wasn’t as long as the others, but I’m really busy at school. If you like my blog and would like more “Daily Routines” then please like this entry and leave a comment below.

Love, Joan

Blog about my best friend Helena:)

username: elena.winklerglitter

date: November 5,2020

time: 08:26 am

The morning routine of my best friend Helena

Good Morning guys, I’m very happy that you’re back at my blog, and I hope you have had a good and relaxed morning yet. 🙂

Today I want to write about the morning routine of my best friend Helena who you already know a little bit from my last blog.

I want to tell you about her morning routine because I think that hers is not as normal as you think. So, she usually wakes up at 4 pm when she doesn’t have to go to school. Obviously, she doesn’t have breakfast. So, when she finally gets out of her bed, she goes into the kitchen and makes herself a cucumber salad with sausages and whipped cream as a topping. I know it’s very weird and sometimes I actually think she is pregnant but anyways…

After her really weird lunch she goes on for a walk and sometimes she walks to my place. Actually, that’s quite normal but the funny thing is that she goes for a walk in a clown’s costume and I think you can imagine how the way people look at her.

When she is at my place we often just lay in my bed and watch Tiktok or just fall asleep.

All in all, Helena actually has a very unproductive and strange weekend, which I can understand because her week is very, very exhausting and stressful and I’m honest, I don’t know myself why she does such strange things, but it’s none of my business.

I would be very happy if you told me about your morning routine or about the morning routine of your best friend.

I wish you have a nice day,

kisses Elena <3


Youngster life problems

Username: elisa_04

Date: 2020-11-14

Time: 07:05 pm

Youngster life problems

Hi everyone, it´s me again, Elisa! Today I would like to tell you a little about how to make the best out of your life. In the first paragraph, I will tell you the advantages and disadvantages of being a teenager. Secondly, I´ll give you advice on how to deal with your problems or get over them and finally I am going to suggest a few ways to make the best out of your life.


Being a teenager has positive as well as negative sides. An advantage could be, that you have a lot of free time you can spend with your friends to experience stuff and create your own adventures. A negative side is that you are in between everything, you are too old to be a child, but too young to be an adult. Moreover, you usually have quite many things to worry about too…


Stress in school or at home can cause a lot of problems, most of them probably being your parents annoying you. If that’s the case, you should honestly just let everybody talk. It´s your life and you are going to get through it. If you need help, you can be sure your friends will be there for you no matter what.

All you can really do is make the best out of your life, which you could achieve by not worrying too much or going out with friends. Just have fun, you get the drift.


Anyways, thanks for reading, feel free to leave a comment below 🙂

a teenager life


date: November 08, 2020

time: 11.53 a.m.

a teenager life

Hello my dears, it’s Valentina here and welcome back to my blog. Today I want to talk about the positive and negative aspects in a teenager life, I wanna give you some solutions for your daily problems and last, but not least, I wanna suggest some ways to make you live the best you can have.

We all know that the life of a teenager is a real struggle, with all the dramas with the boys, popular girls, that just don’t like you, and your parents and there are so many more problems. I mean, can adults even think about what we go through? There are still so many good points, like all the first times, yk. All the parties with your besties, all the sleepovers and the best is that you have “freedom” if your parents trust you enough.

There are so many problems as I mentioned before, but I will give u some advice, how to deal with them. A big struggle is weight and Ik it’s hard, nobody wants to do sports and well, we all want to eat chocolate, but we’re gaining weight, so try to make your own candy, they have less sugar and they are healthier for u.

The last point today will be some advice for the best life ever. The only thing I can tell u is to live your life. If u think about doing something, do it, you shouldn’t care about what other people could think. Ik that it could be a bad idea to tell u to break the rules, but trust me you won’t regret it. Oh, and btw I am not talking about drugs or alcohol, for a legal basis.

I think that’s the end of my blog for today, I hope I helped u and please share and comment down below. Thanks guys, see you soon in a new blog entry.



Un po’ di High Society

Ciao a tutti là fuori,


Oggi vorrei raccontare qualcosa sul mio tirocinio. Nella nostra scuola un tirocinio á tre mesi è obbligatorio. Prima di tutto ho dovuto fare una decisione importante: Voglio andare via o voglio stare nella mia città. Ho deciso che voglio andare via, il posto da milionari – il casino di Velden in Carinzia.


Per tre mesi sono stato il praticante nella area gastronomica, che significa il Café “13er”, il ristorante “Die Yacht” e anche il bar nel centro del casino.
Il Casino Velden è molto centrale a Velden, accanto alla strada principale. Si può guardare i turisti camminare attraverso Velden mentre si beve un caffè nel “13er” o si può avere una bella vista sul lago di Wörth mentre prendere la cena al ristorante.
Il ristorante ha avuto 3 cuffie di Gault & Millau per il suo cibo fantastico.
Il chef del “Cuisino” si

chiama Marcel J. Vanic, ma ogni area gastronomica ha il suo chef con teams molto differente. I miei colleghi nel ristorante hanno esperienza di 5-10 anni, ma i più degli miei colleghi al Café non sono apprendi.


Ho avuto un esperienza speciale, che non dimenticherò mai. Un giorno, nella mia terza settimana, i miei colleghi hanno avuto un problema con la cassa e hanno provato a ripararla. Nel frattempo io ho dovuto servi

re 65 persone, che sono state nel ristorante. Sono stato molto stressato perché nessuno mi ha potuto dare una mano, ma ho gestito la situazione il meglio possibile.


Secondo me il casino Velden sono stato una esperienza che deve avere. Ho imparato molte cose, ma è necessario avere un po’ di competenza  nell’ area gastronomica perché i requisiti sono grandissimo. Il tempo è stato buono e anche mi sono divertito molto.


Avete fatto un tirocinio? Che cosa sono le vostre esperienze? Scrivete mi un comento e dite mi tutto.

Tanti saluti e a presto.

Jürgen Unger


Ciao a tutti, là fuori!

Il mio nome è Sarah Kreuzer e frequento la classe 4AHLW a HLW Fohnsdorf e ho 19 anni. Innanzitutto, vorrei presentare il tema di oggi che è il mio tirocinio nelle vacanze. Prima presento il mio tirocinio in generale, dopo parlo di una esperienza speciale e poi esprimo la mia opinione sul tirocinio.

Per prima cosa voglio presentare il mio tirocinio in generale. Ho lavorato nella gastronomia e nell’albergo che si chiama “Landhotel Timmerer” è si trova a Möderbrugg. Tutto insieme siamo stati 14 dipendenti di cui, tre cuochi, un pizzaiolo, un cameriere e tre camerieri, una tirocinante, due donne delle pulizie e i capi.

Un’esperienza speciale che nel mese di luglio team della formula 1-Team di McLaren ha dormito da noi. E nel meso d’agosto il Moto3 Honda-Team-Asia insieme a Johann Zarco è stato il nostro ospite. Johann Zarco è una persona famosa del MotoGP e gli ho portato da bere e mangiare. Ma ho anche impratichito una collaboratrice nuova la lavora. Inoltre, abbiamo avuto un banchetto funebre con circa cento persone e allo stesso tempo c’è stato un matrimonio e un compleanno.

Adesso arriviamo all’ultimo punto del mio blog, la mia opinione sul tirocinio. Ho fatto molte impressioni nuovi ed è stato il miglior tempo della mia vita. Inoltre, ho imparato di essere sicura di me stessa e sono più aperta e autonoma.

Spero che il mio blog vi sia piaciuta e forse volete lasciare un commento per me!

Un megaabbraccio e tanti saluti ,


“Cooking with heart and soul”

Hello, my friends!

After a long time, I am back again.

You are probably wondering what the title is all about and why I haven’t contacted you for so long. I will of course answer everything immediately. Let’s start by telling you why it’s been so long since I’ve been in touch with you.

When the 3-school year ended and the summer holidays came closer and closer, it was clear to me not to be lazy and so I decided to go to work. It was also immediately clear to me where I would like to work. I absolutely wanted to turn my hobby into my profession and so I decided to go into the gastronomy sector as a chef.

First, I will describe the location, which means where did I gain my work experience and where the company is situated. Secondly, I am going to move on to the organisation, the working conditions and the company’s climate. Lastly, I want to describe my personal experience of being a cook.


So, let’s start, I have worked in the restaurant Perschler for a total of 2 months. The restaurant is located quite central in Murtal (Styria) and so I did not even have to drive 5 minutes to work which was very convenient. My WorkplaceThe restaurant provides space for over 250 people in three different rooms. The hotel visitors also get breakfast in a special breakfast room. This is equipped with a hot plate where you can choose between a lot of different and tasty dishes. Two other rooms they have, are my workplace (the kitchen) which is equipped with a lot of different cooking tools and the bar where you can mix a lot of different drinks.

Now I am going to move to the organisation and working conditions. In the restaurant, there are 2 important areas: The service and the kitchen area. The service is sending us the meals of the guests, and we are doing everything to send them out at their best. It was my job to prepare and cook the side dishes and salads for the whole meals. After a month with the side dishes, I changed to the middle of the kitchen where it turned really stressful. Now I was responsible for all soups and main courses, and the garnishing of dishes. I mostly worked part-time, from 9 to 14 o’clock and then from 5 to 9 o’clock. That’s about 7-9 hours, depending on how much was going on. The climate in the kitchen was usually very good. Of course, there are many stressful situations where it is not easy to be friendly and where most people are a little bit crabby, but that will pass quickly.


In my last part, I will describe my personal opinion of the restaurant and the experiences I got. The restaurant was always well-organised, even when many people came for lunch/dinner at the same time.  I have always enjoyed going to work very much. Through this stressful work, I have gained a lot, for instance working under time pressure or performing very precise.

All in all, I can summarize that I enjoyed working in the kitchen very much and that everyone who feels drawn to the kitchen should make an experience like this. I have no regrets and would take this step again and again.

My blog is coming to an end, if you have any questions you are welcome to ask me, I would also appreciate your comments.

Thanks for reading!

“Cuisiner avec son cœur et son âme”

Aujourd’hui, je voudrais vous parler de mon stage.

Je m’appelle Patrick et j’ai 18 ans. J’ai travaillé au restaurant Perschler depuis deux mois au total. Le restaurant est situé au centre de Murtal (Styrie) et je n’ai  donc pas eu à conduire 5 minutes pour aller travailler, ce qui était très pratique. Le restaurant peut accueillir plus de 250 personnes dans trois salles différentes. Les visiteurs de l’hôtel prennent également leur petit-déjeuner dans une salle spéciale.  Les deux autres pièces sont mon lieu de travail (la cuisine), et le bar, où vous pouvez mélanger de nombreuses boissons différentes. Dans le restaurant, il y a deux zones importantes : Le service et la cuisine. Le service nous envoie les repas des clients, et nous faisons tout pour qu’ils sortent au mieux.

Une journée de travail normal commence le matin par le ménage de toute la cuisine, y compris les appareils électroménagers et les armoires. Ensuite, j’ai dû aller chercher nos légumes/ fruits frais ainsi que la viande et tous les autres aliments de la journée dans la cave où se trouvent notre potager et notre chambre froide et les apporter dans un grand caddie à la cuisine. Dans la cuisine, j’ai commencé à préparer la mise en place pour le déjeuner. J’ai dû charger et mettre en place toute la station de salades et d’accompagnements. Le riz, les pommes de terre et les œufs devaient être mis à bouillir, tous les légumes, y compris la salade, devaient être lavés et coupés et la décoration des plats devait être remplie ou renouvelée. À midi, mon travail consistait à préparer au mieux les accompagnements et les salades qui arrivaient par l’ordinateur, puis à les donner au chef pour qu’il finisse les plats. L’après-midi, le travail de préparation devait souvent être refait pour tout préparer pour les affaires du soir. Avant les célébrations comme les anniversaires, les confirmations, les mariages et les enterrements, mon travail consistait à préparer tous les accompagnements et les décorations du menu. J’ai également pané les escalopes ou le poulet frit, lavé la vaisselle sale, nettoyé la chambre froide et créé de nouveaux menus et desserts.  Je travaillais surtout à temps partiel, de 9 à 14 heures, puis de 17 à 9 heures. C’est environ 7 à 9 heures, selon la charge de travail.

Le climat dans la cuisine était généralement très bon. Bien sûr, il y a beaucoup de situations stressantes où il n’est pas facile d’être amical et où la plupart des gens sont un peu rudes, mais cela passe vite

Dans ma dernière partie, je vais décrire mon opinion personnelle sur le restaurant et les expériences que j’ai vécues. Le restaurant a toujours été bien organisé, j’ai toujours beaucoup aimé aller travailler. Ce travail stressant m’a beaucoup apporté, par exemple en travaillant sous la pression du temps ou en étant très précis.

Dans l’ensemble, j’allais à la cuisine encore et encore parce que j’aime beaucoup cuisiner.

  • Merci pour votre lecture

Il mio tirocinio

Ciao a tutti!

Per prima cosa vorrei presentarmi, mi chiamo Marie e ho diciassette anni. In estate ho lavorato in un ufficio nella ditta “Eagle Burgmann Production Center Judenburg Gmbh”. Conosci questa compagnia? Nel mio blog vorrei presentare il mio tirocinio in generale, un’esperienza speciale e la mia opinione sul tirocinio.

Per prima vorrei presentare la ditta per cui ho lavorato per tre mesi. La produzione è fondata nel 1990 e produrre “Gleitringdichtungen”. Oltretutto ci lavorano 60 dipendenti a Judenburg. La mia supervisore nel segretariato è stata Marion Maier che è stata molto gentile e disponibile. I miei compiti sono stati: scrivere mail, telefonare con cliente, scannerizzare le fatture e mettere in ordine l’archivio. Io ho lavorato da lunedì a giovedì dalle 7:30 alle 16:00 e al venerdì ho lavorato dalle 6:00 alle 12:30.

Un’ esperienza speciale per me è stato la formazione di sette dipendenti, che mi è stato permesso di tenere tutto da solo. Ho spiegato loro il processo di scansione delle bolle di consegna. Mi ha dimostrato che mi è stata data molta responsabilità e fiducia. Ho preparato una presentazione PowerPoint con le fasi di lavoro. Anche ho preparato le istruzioni di lavoro per i dipendenti.

Alla fine vorrei dare la mia opinione sul tirocinio, nella dita Eagle Burgmann Production Center Judenburg GmbH. I miei colleghi sono stati sempre cordiali e disponibili, particolarmente il lavoro con Marion è stata molto divertente. Ho anche ricevuto molte nuove impressioni e sono diventata molto più indipendente. Per concludere, vorrei dire che mi è piaciuto molto il mio tirocinio.

Spero che il mio blog vi piaciuto, se è così apprezzerei un commento. Hai fatto anche un tirocinio quest’anno? Se è così, scrive un commento con la tua esperienza. 😊

A presto Marie