Fashion and all about my style

Hello readers,

Welcome to my new blog. Today I want to talk about fashion. This text has three points I want to describe. The first point is what kind of person I am, secondly, I want to talk about the reflection of my personality on my style and the third point are the details about my style and the way I dress. Now, let us start!

The first point is what kind of person I am. Well, I love it to wear modern clothes. I am not a fan of retro looks. I think, in general, teenagers also prefer modern clothes. There are also a lot of people who like retro, but I think the majority likes modern.

Let’s move on with my second point which is: How this reflects on my style. Modern looks are High-Waist trousers and maybe often crop tops. When you like retro looks, I think that’s cargo trousers or ‘’bell’’ pants.

The last point I want to describe are details about my style and the way I dress. I do not often wear crop tops, but I really like High-Waist trousers. At home, I do not wear some pretty clothes like jeans, I wear sweatpants and a pullover or a t-shirt.

That was my blog. Thanks for reading it and I hope it was interesting for you. When you want more of these blogs, press the button ‘’like’’ and don’t forget to leave a comment. See you soon!



 December 12th                               Fashion                By Sophie Slabschi                 

Hey guys, since many of you requested it, I decided to write about my style in clothes and Fashion in general today. At first, I’m going to describe what kind of person I am, my second point is how this reflects on my style and last but not least I´m going to talk about the way I dress and my inspirations.

For me personally, it’s not really important to wear the latest fashion because I´d rather wear stuff that I really like, and I feel comfortable in than an outfit that’s the latest fashion. I also don´t really spend much money on clothing because I didn’t find my style/aesthetic yet.

I personally think that a person’s appearance already says much about the person’s personality. That is why I only wear stuff that I really like, and not because they´re a trend. Because I do not really want to try to fit in and pretend to be a person that I`m not.

My style right now is pretty casual. But in general, I actually really like a rare clothing style like flared pants and pullover with uncommon motives, because it just stands out. I also stan the way Harry Styles is dressing and Gucci Fashion. I´m not a fan of the way the society gendered clothing and Harry Styles draws attention to the fact that clothing has no gender.

What is your opinion, do you think it´s important to wear the latest fashion? Leave a comment down below. I hope you enjoyed reading my blog. Have a nice day.

Yours, Sophie

Fashion and all about it, how do I dress?

Date:               December 17, 2020
Username:      Nowotny-Steinkellner Elena

Hello dear readers and welcome to today’s blog! “Fashion and all about it, how do I dress?”

In today’s blog, I will cover 3 bullet points. Firstly, what type of person I am. Secondly, how that reflects on the way I dress, and I will discuss my style. And finally, I will talk a bit about my style, and the way I dress.

So, let us begin, shall we? I am a very calm and relaxed person, I do not like complications. I would call myself friendly, kind, and helpful. I guess you could say that I like to keep things laid-back.

Now how does my personality reflect on my style? Usually, the way I dress is pretty “lazy” because I like to wear sweatpants and oversized shirts. I simply wear this type of clothes because they are very comfortable.

But how do I really dress? Most of the time, I add little details like necklaces, earrings, scarfs, belts, and more types of things like that. But usually, I only dress up when I go out somewhere, but not always. Something I always do is matching colors, because it bothers me personally if the clothes I wear do not match.

That is about it with my blog today! I hope you liked it and I would love to hear something about your style down in the comments below! Do not be shy to comment, I do not bite. I would love to reply to you!

See all of you in my next blog.
Bye, Bye!

The fashion world

Dear readers,

Today I want to talk about the fashion world and how important fashion is to me. Are you a fashionable person or rather not?

So let´s just start with the kind of person I am I would say that I am a very friendly and confident person. I don´t really think so much what other people think about my style or if they like my style. Now I m telling you how my friendly personality connects with my style. So my self-confident person is reflected in my style because sometimes I wear very unusual stuff that others tend not to dare.

My friendly person reflects in my style too cause my clothes are friendly colors. So I mostly wear leggings or jogging pants. I also love to wear oversized hoodies or shirts. I never wear jeans or skirts, I really hat them.

What do you prefer jeans or leggings?

So you see fashion is an important thing in my life. Thank you so much for reading, I hope it was interesting reading my blog. If you liked it, I would be happy if you leave a comment.


Style and Fashion

By Sophia 12/15/20

Dear readers The reason I am writing this is because my favorite teen magazine has invited readers to write a blog post about their personal style and the way they dress.

First of all, I am a very fashion trend-oriented person. However, I also like to be comfortable in my clothes. Especially when I am at home. Because I am a very sporty person, I need to have comfortable clothes. On one hand, I like comfortable and active clothes, on the other hand, I like the newest trends and pretty dresses for special occasions. Most of the time I wear whatever is practical but I also like to dress up.

Furthermore, you can see my personality is reflected in my style. When I am at home I tend to put on comfortable clothes. In school, I mostly wear trendy jeans, t-shirts or sweaters. In particular during summertime, I like my fancy dresses. The way I dress reflects the way I am.

Thirdly I want to give you some titles about my style. Most of the time I wear black clothes with different trendy patterns. However, I combine everything with a colorful piece of clothing. Moreover, I like to research the latest trends on the internet. The way I dress up is stylish however comfortable.

All in all, I am fashionable but also pay attention to comfort. I hope you like my blog and please leave a comment if you like my blog.


All about fashion

All about fashion

by Eleni Fragkioudaki
Dec. 19, 2020
8:30 p.m.

Hey guys, welcome to my new blog! Yesterday I saw in the VOGUE magazine that they have asked teenagers to write blog posts about their personal style and the way they dress. So here is mine.

First, they have asked what kind of person you are and secondly, how this reflects on your style. Lastly, you should give details about your style and the way you dress.

Let’s begin!
I am an introvert that means I am a very calm person, and I am a little bit shy. Moreover, I am very friendly, respectful, and open-minded. Furthermore, I don’t want to be the centre of attention.

These aspects influence my style because I like to wear dark colours for example. They are neutral and not noticeable. My style is casual and comfortable.

Mostly, in winter I combinate a jean with a pullover or a sweater and in summer I prefer to wear a short jean with a t-shirt. Sometimes I also wear a dress for special events.

What is your personal style? I hope you enjoyed reading my blog and don’t forget to leave a comment!

See you at my next blog!



Hey guys,

Today I decided to write a blog about fashion style and fashion in general. First, I`m going to describe what kind of person I am, secondly, I describe how this reflects on my style and last but not least I`m going to describe the way I dress.

So, I start with my first point about what I kind of person I am. I’m not that type of guy who always wears the latest or brand name clothes. I think it should look stylish but at least comfortable. What I want to say is that everyone should dress in style because the outfit is a lot. At the moment I like to put on jeans and a sweater. I find it very comfortable. But when I visit someone now, I wear a long-oversized sweater over a skirt. In winter I prefer to wear oversized sweaters and ankle boots.

What do you prefer to wear in winter? I would like to know how you dress like this.

I hope my blog was interesting enough I would be happy if you leave me a comment. I wish you a nice day, bye!


My fashion blog

Hey my dears,

Today I want to open a discussion about my style and how the style of others reflects on me.

At first, I want to talk about the kind of person I am. The second point is going to be an explanation of how this reflects on my style. And the last point will be about the details of my style and the way I dress.

I can be shy but also, I can be open like to talk to people. When I changed the school, my classmates thought I was arrogant. But to get along with me and to try to be friendly, you need to have the same sense of humour as I have.

It needs to be said that my character hasn’t anything to do with my style. I wear everything I like. I read that some studies reported that the colours you wear, match with your character traits. I think it isn’t true because you can wear everything.

Now the last point about my style. It wouldn’t say that I love to dress up. When I go to school the only thing that takes time to get ready is my hair. I curl my hair every 2 days. What I wear doesn’t matter. It doesn’t bother me if my pants and my top don’t match.

My dears, I hope you liked it and maybe you can leave a comment what you liked or not and something about your style.

See you, Edona