The injustice of today’s world

susii.r, 20th March 2020, 6:48 pm

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog. I hope you are feeling fine at these difficult times. I know, it’s not easy for all of us, but if we comply with the rules of our governments, we’ll surely save several lives. But today’s topic doesn’t deal with the Corona virus, but rather with an issue, we couldn’t get a grip on for a couple of years, the unfairness of the global marketplace.

We think that we live in a world which makes headway in several kinds of directions like technology and medicine. However, we sometimes tend to forget the poor among us. The lot, who can’t satisfy their basic needs, who develop dependency to big companies and aren’t able to find a way out.

These people mostly live in developing countries and face numerous issues. One of the biggest problems they have to deal with is to receive a fair price for their products. Small-scale farmers don’t have the right tools to compete in the global marketplace. Though, if they could gain access to markets, they would be able to market their harvest to fair conditions. In succession, they could reach self-sufficiency.

To ensure they achieve this big goal, charities try to collect money. Thereby, they try to fight against malnutrition, provide shelters and build sanitary facilities. Consequently, if we support those charities by donations, we will soon be able to say, that we make great strides in almost every sector of the world.

So let us all stick together and support charities like Fairtrade. This doesn’t take us much, but for these poor small-scale farmers it would mean the world. Don’t you think so? Please let me know your thoughts on this topic by joining the discussion in the comments below.

Stay healthy and positive!

Mon stage pratique en Carinthie

Saluut! 🙂

Comment allez vous? Moi, je vais très bien. Si vous ne me connaissez pas encore, je m’appelle Susanne, j’ai 17 ans et j’ai travaillé dans un Café Restaurant, qui s’appelle Seerose. Il se trouve au “Klopeinersee”.

J’étais en Carinthie pour trois mois et j’ai travaillé au service. Je ne pouvais pas habiter à la maison, j’habitais dans une auberge près de “Seerose”. Une amie de ma classe, qui s’appelle Anna, a aussi travaillé dans le même restaurant.

Mais maintenant je voudrais décrire  mon travail. Les deux premières  semaines, j’ai servi des boissons à nos hôtes, j’ai débarassé les tables et j’ai mis les tables. Après ces deux semaines, j’ai travaillé chez le “Küchenpass”.  J’y ai coordonné les repas. Par exemple,  les plats principaux  après l’apéritif. Mais  j’ai aussi dû débarasser les tables et mettre les tables.
À la fin de la journée, nous avons dû nettoyer le restaurant complètement.

Maintenant je veux présenter mes collègues. Presque tous avait le même âge qu´ Anna et moi. C’est pourqoui j’aimais  travailler avec eux. C’était très drôle.  j’ai aussi adoré le temps, que nous avons passé ensemble après le travail.
Mais Anna et moi n’étions pas les seules stagiaires.  Il y avait aussi deux stagiaires de Basse-Autriche, elles s’appellent Klara et Dani. Je les aimais beaucoup, parce qu´ elles étaient les meilleures et les plus drôles collègues. Pendant notre temps libre, nous avons passé le notre temps au lac ou la ville Klagenfurt. Parfois nous avons mangé au restaurants différents au bord du lac.

J’ai adoré cet été, parce que j’ai appris beaucoup de choses. Je suis devenue plus sûre au service , ainsi que sûre de moi même et plus indépendante.   J’ai appris non seulement beaucoup de choses concernant le travail, mais j’ai aussi trouvé beaucoup de nouveaux. amis  Je suis heureuse, que j’ai passé mon stage pratique en Carinthe et pas dans mon village natal.

Quand tu asaussi travaillé comme stagiare, tu peux écrire tes expériences dans les commentaires au dessous de mon blog. J’espère que tu passes encore un jour magnifique et jusqu’au pronchain blog!

Restes à l’écoute 🙂


We got to work it out

Klopeinersee, Kärnten, Urlaub

My internship in Carinthia

Helloo guuys!

I warmly welcome you to my very first blog entry. If you don’t know me, my name is Susanne Reiter, I am 17 years old and fun fact: I live somewhere in nowhere. In this blog, I would like to tell you about the experiences I made during my internship in Carinthia.

To start at the beginning, in my school you have to complete a practical training for three months. My first priority was to spend my internship not in my home region, but rather in one which is far away from my home. But don’t get me wrong, I love my home village and my family at my home, but I wanted to experience something completely different. Therefore, I went to Carinthia, more precisely, to the Klopeinersee. There I worked in a café-restaurant called Seerose which was (and still is) located at the lake. But luckily, I was not the only one at this restaurant – one of my best friends went with me. Because we spent three months away from our home, we had the opportunity to stay in a bed & breakfast. This was about five minutes away (by bike) from my practical training place. And also the “Seerose” offered us to have lunch and dinner there.

You now may be interested in the place I worked in. The Seerose is a medium-sized restaurant with about 53 tables and a lot of space for many costumers (I’m sure there were millions of guests a day 😉 at least, that’s how it felt because it was often very stressful). In order to manage these stressful situations, we were 35 employees – and that just in the service sector. In the kitchen, there were nine cooks employed. So you can imagine, what I meant by enormous stress.

But now you are surely wondering what I did there. First of all, you have to know that the service sector is divided into different “jobs”. So there were a couple of different tasks and each of us was specially trained in one area.
The first two weeks I had time to get used to this new area. Therefore, I mostly served drinks to the customers and cleaned up the desks. After these two weeks, I nearly spent my whole internship at a kind of serve post, the so-called “Küchenpass. This includes the coordination of the meals and the serving to the guests. This work often was impossible to do in a short time, but at the end of the day, it was another great experience. But this wasn’t my whole job. I also was expected to serve drinks and wash the empty glasses (so just the random stuff).

Normally, I worked 8 hours a day (or perhaps sometimes a little bit longer). And furthermore, I had two days off a week. On these two days, I often spent my time with the other interns (in total we were four interns). Mostly, we went swimming at the lake or went for a walk. Sometimes we travelled to Klagenfurt and spent there a whole day.

In my opinion, this was the funniest summer in my present life. You may be wondering why because, as I said, often it was extremely stressful. But what I really liked was sitting together with my colleagues after a stressful day. This was so relaxing and luckily, we did it almost every day. Additionally, I just can say positive things about the working atmosphere. I got along with all of my co-workers very well. We made a lot of jokes and spent really much time together. Consequently, on the one hand, I was sad, when I came back home. On the other hand, I was glad to meet my family and my friends again.

But I will surely spend a part of the following summer holidays at the “Seerose” again and I am really looking forward to it.

If you have also made an internship in the last few holidays, I would be very happy and interested in your thoughts about it. So you are very welcome to write your experiences in the comments. For you guys: I wish you a nice day and see you on my next blog.
