The dark side of fame

The dark side of fame

Hello guys , welcome back to my blog!
Today I will talk about the good but also the dark sides of being famous.

First, you must know the reasons why people want to be famous. One positive aspect, for example, is that you have much money and you can buy whatever you want, no matter how expensive it is. Famous persons have turned their hobby into their job, have fun and many fans that love what they do. They might have a private jet and so they can spend their holidays wherever they want. But also, they might have expensive cars and jewellery.
They can also support their families with so much money and they have many friends, too. But only if they are popular and interesting enough!

Being famous also has dangers, for example: stalkers, haters, rumors, envious people but also crazy fans! If you are famous, you might have fake friends who are only after your success and money. As a famous and popular person, you have no privacy because everywhere are paparazzi that take photos or videos of you and everything you do ends up on the Internet.
That means, your whole relationships and people you are in contact with are publicly known.

Many celebrities are struggling with problems like stress because of the high expectations, as their goal is to follow the trends to stay popular. Consequently, the pressure to be perfect and not to make any mistakes can lead to taking drugs or drinking alcohol because they don’t know how to deal with it anymore.

I hope you enjoyed reading my blog and btw. what is your opinion about being famous? Leave me a comment because I am very curious!
So, until my next blog. Bye, 😊



09.03.2020, 8:25 p.m.

3 thoughts on “The dark side of fame”

  1. Dear Zoi,

    Thanks for sharing your thougts. I really have to say, I could never live in the spotlgiht, I could never handle this kind of stress and I could never give up my privacy.

    In addition, you also have to think about your family and what it means for them to be followed by crazy fans, stalkers of paparazzi. You definitely have to take rensponsbility for you children and you can’t be that selfish and just think about all the money and the fame.

    Can’t wait to read your next blog.



  2. Hello Zoi!

    I enjoyed reading your blog! Your opinion of stardom is really reatable to me. To turn your hobby into a job must be very cool. But I think most of the celebrities didn’t turn their hobby into their job. Or is posting things pictures on Instagram and giving interviews a hobby? I don’t know. But those who are turning their hobby into their job are brilliant, because making a lot of money and having fun while working is the best combination you can get.
    You talked about the envious people and the haters. I believe that the haters often consist of the envious people. Envy is often the reason for people to be either evil or over friendly to somebody.

    I for myself would never want to be famous. My privacy means too much for me.

    I’d really love read more blogs from you!


  3. Hello Zoi!

    I just stumble about your blog and i want to leave you a comment!
    I really enjoyed reading your blog and i love your blogs, too! You talked about being famous and for that theme I have my own opinion that I would like to tell you.

    There are much reasons why being famous must be incredible, for example all the money. You could do so much good things like donating some of your money to a non-profit organization or help your family, of course!
    Some things you have described, like privat jet and much jewellery, are not in every famous persons equipment. Relatable that many famous people need to be interesting and popular enough!

    But I agree to your pinion about the dark side, too! It is very stressfull because you always have to be (or at least seem to be) happy. I am aso sure that there must be many fake friends who are only friends when you are popular enough and they could get some followers, too! Also about the no pravicy theme… I don’t wanna be followed everywherr at everytime. The addicts you get can be very serious and dangerous!

    So my opinion is that being famous is not good. It has so much negative aspects.

    I would love to read more blogs from you, Zoi!


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